
Watch Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 4 – #GameofThrones

Watch Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 4 – #GameofThrones. With the Night King dead (thanks to Arya), we wonder what they have in store for us.

But you don’t have to wonder too much, Watch Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 4 right here.

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In case you missed the Long Night on Game of Thrones, you can watch it here…

Watch Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 3 – #GameofThrones

You Might Also Like – Babes Wodumo and Mampintsha played us all

Babes Wodumo and Mampintsha played us all with their sick joke of abuse. This is an insult to us all who stood behind her after that video was posted on social media… all that for what? To get publicity for a new song. That is just plain crazy.


Remember the days of the flash drive video? That was a better publicity stunt compared to faking abuse to get attention. That alone shows the extent these 2 are will to go to make a buck.

Mampinthsa and Babes Wodumo

As far as publicity stunts go, this is the worst. Babes Wodumo and Mampintsha played us all for fools. The whole of South Africa stood behind Babes and then you what.

There are women who are going through abuse every day in South Africa and you see some sick celebrity playing an abuse joke like that. I wonder how you would feel… read more