Celebrity News

Jake Tapper’s 15-Year-Old Daughter Alice Almost Died From Appendicitis

Jake Tapper’s daughter Alice is reflecting on a medical crisis. In a Dec. 15, opinion piece for CNN, the 15-year-old recounted her health journey, explaining how a misdiagnosis last year proved to be incredibly dangerous—and potentially deadly.

“It started one weekend in November 2021 with stomach cramping, a low fever, chills and vomiting,” Alice wrote in the article. “Soon it became clear I needed to go to the emergency room. By the time I got there, I had low blood pressure, an elevated heart rate, intense abdominal pain and a high white blood cell count.”

Despite being given IV fluids “to combat my dehydration,” she noted that she was not getting better. At that point, Alice said she was transferred to another hospital, where her symptoms continued.

“With guidance from my pediatrician, my parents told the doctors to check for appendicitis,” she said. “But since I was tender all over my abdomen—not just on my right side—the doctors ruled it out.”
The teen added, “The doctors concluded that what I had must be a viral infection and would eventually just go away.”

However, things only got worse from there. Alice noted that at one point her skin even turned a “pale green”—but still, doctors weren’t recommending anything other than Tylenol for her pain

Source: eonline

In other news – K.O’s ‘Sete’ makes it down SA History

K.O. is excited at the great success his hit single, ‘Sete’ has consistently achieved. Since the release of the song a few months ago, the rapper has recorded historic and beautiful success.


Asides from being officially crowned the most streamed South African song in 2022 and topping the charts and securing millions of plays, it has become the longest-ever #1 song across all radio stations in South Africa for 15 weeks. Learn more