Mzansi Celebs

Prince Kaybee responds to claims he snubbed Msaki

House DJ Prince Kaybee has apologised to musician Msaki after she was not acknowledged for her contribution on their hit Fetch Your Life at a recent awards ceremony. The song won the House Record of the Year at the Dance Music Awards SA (DMASA).

After an uproar on social media for not giving props where they were due, Kaybee explained the reason why Msaki’s name was not mentioned in the acceptance speech. He claimed that while accepting the award on his behalf, his booking manager forgot to mention Msaki during his speech.

Prince Kaybee

Feeling that he needed to explain the reason behind the “misunderstanding”, Kaybee took to Twitter to clear the air regarding the matter.

“Hi guys, I would like to apologise on behalf of my booking manager for not mentioning Msaki yesterday at the awards when collecting the award on OUR behalf. I didn’t know what she was gonna say, I then posted that “WE” (Msaki and I) have won an award. We did not mean any harm. Soon it turned into a trending topic, with fans calling on Msaki to share how she felt about not being recognised.

Prince Kaybee

In her response, Msaki made it clear that she did not believe Kaybee and said that he could’ve done more to recognise her contribution to the song. It’s all good Kabelo. I don’t mind that your booking manager didn’t mention me, that’s OK. You could’ve done that [in] your post about the award, but it didn’t seem like a priority,” she wrote.

“You suggest I locate my contribution in the ‘we’? Even now, you could do better. Understand?”

She added that she was not going to hold her breath to be appreciated. “Honestly, if I did this for recognition or acknowledgement, I’d be dead by now.

In other news – Former Uzalo actress Nokuthula Mabika in Car Accident Scandal

Former Uzalo actress, Nokuthula Mabika is embroiled in a car accident drama that has left the victim’s family fuming. According to Sunday Sun, the actress accidentally bumped her car into a Grade 11 pupil, Sanele Maphalala in August 2019.

Nokuthula Mabika

The actress was reportedly driving her Blue BMW, with fellow actress, Nelisa Mchunu in the passenger seat. Read more

Source: Timeslive