World News

US President to visit Africa with the aim of strengthening ties between the two continents

United States President Joe Biden says he intends to visit Africa as he aims to strengthen ties with the continent amid growing influence from China and Russia in the region. Speaking at the US Africa Leaders Summit, he also announced billions of dollars in new commitments on financing and bolstering democracy on the continent.

Biden affirmed his support for the African Union to join the Group of 20 and for an African country to become a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council.

President Biden used this forum to announce how the US would strengthen its ties with the continent – promising that not just he, but his wife, First Lady Jill Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris and several other members of his cabinet including the defense, commerce and treasury secretaries would all be visiting Africa.

However, he didn’t say which African nations he plans to visit, nor when he would make the trip. He also said he was working alongside Congress to announce a total of $55 billion for investment on diverse issues from agriculture to collaboration in outer space.

President Biden is hosting this week’s summit in a bid to repair and strengthen ties with the continent, stressing the US’s desire to work together instead of simply sending aid and assistance.

Source: SABC

In other news – Tshepi Vundla shows off her Engagement Ring

Idols SA judge JR and his beautiful girlfriend Tshepi Vundla seem to have taken their relationship to the next level. The lovebirds have been together for a number of years and have two beautiful children together.

Tshepi Vundla

Tshepi Vundla posted an Instagram picture on Thursday, dressed in makoti attire and wearing a ring on her ring finger. She captioned the image with a cow and ring emojis suggesting the musician paid lobola for her. Learn more