The Best Energy Gels to Fuel Your Fitness

There are ways to boost your energy quickly during a normal work day or at certain times when your energy is at its lowest, but if you are an endurance athlete, you might need more. That’s where energy gels come in. If you’re an endurance athlete, you’re probably familiar with energy gels because you know how important it is to fuel your body during any exercise that lasts more than 90 minutes.

Nutrition is key to keeping your energy levels high, and energy gels are a simple way to address this while you’re on the go. They’re a great option for most sports, including a long day at the golf course. They are small and lightweight so they can be stored anywhere without hindering your performance. You can even make your own energy gels at home if you need to avoid certain allergens or want more control over the nutrient content
A Quick Look at Energy Gels
At a basic level, energy gels are concentrated nutrition that are in a form your body can break down quickly. The contents of these gels vary between manufacturers, but generally speaking, there is sugar for immediate energy, carbohydrates for long-term energy, sodium to help your body retain water, and other vitamins to boost energy levels. Some energy gel formulas also include caffeine to give you a mental boost. If any of these ingredients don’t appeal to you, there are many gel alternatives that try to accomplish the same thing.

Who Should Use Energy Gels
Endurance athletes—runners, cyclists, triathletes, etc.—are usually the primary users of energy gels. However, anyone who is exercising for longer than 90 minutes needs to have mid-exercise nutrition ready, and energy gels are one of the best ways to address this need.

What to Look for When Shopping for Energy Gels
Price: The ACTIVE Reviews Team determines the price rating based on cost per serving. If a product is under $1 per serving it is rated $. If a product is between $1-2 per serving it is rated $$. If a product is over $2 per serving it is rated $$$.
Flavor options: Similar to the price rating, we have our own flavor rating system that rates the product on a scale of 1-3. If the product is not flavored it will be designed with an N/A. If a product has 1-2 flavor options, it will be rated a 1. If a product has 3-4 flavor options it will be rated a 2. If a product has 5+ flavor options it will be rated a 3.
Nutrition: Because energy gels are supplements, you should always be paying attention to the ingredients list and the nutrition label. Even though all energy gels do essentially the same thing, they are formulated to accomplish that goal in different ways. The best energy gel, for one thing, may not be the best for another based on its ingredients, and if you track your macros as part of your diet plan, you don’t want to sabotage yourself.

Source: active

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