
Thabile Ngwato willing to fight gender inequality

Thabile Ngwato cries foul at the lack of gender equality in the workplace. The co-founder of Newzroom Africa took to the streets of Twitter to lament about the lack of gender equality that is still prevalent in the workplace. She did not mince her words in this tweet she posted.

Some men have a way of reminding us that they don’t see us as equals in the workplace. We still have a long way to go when it comes to gender equality, particularly in the workplace, but it’s a fight I’m willing to take on, especially in the spaces I occupy. While some of her followers added similar sentiments to the topic on gender equality.

Thabile Ngwato

@IlithaLabantu: We encourage women in all sectors to claim their space, gone are the days where women are to told to “stay in their lane”, women are capable and women are worthy, claim your space

@Ms_Vuyelwa_Q: It’s actually worse than 25 years ago when all of them wanted to show they had been miraculously transformed through the democratic vote. Patriarchy and its evil twins of misogyny and sexism are sitting unashamedly pretty in our boardrooms today. Truly sad and [heartbreaking]

…others assumed that she was subtweeting her business partner Thokozani Nkosi.

@James01744454: This lady is a founder of @Newzroom405 and a leader, The man i suspect of mistreating her is only one @ThokozaniNkosi correct me if I’m wrong

But Thabile quickly squashed those assumptions saying, ”This is about gender equality in the workplace. Please don’t make false assumptions. Thokozani is one of the most amazing people I have in my life. If anything, he is in this fight with me.

Thabile Ngwato

It is just amazing to see women leaders taking a stand against issues that remain problematic in our society? How’s that for some more #Womandla as we kickstart this Women’s Month.

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Source: Zalebs