ANCWL wants castration for r@pists

The ANC Women’s League is calling for a public discussion on the castration of convicted r@pists.

It said the public must lobby Parliament to adopt the law.

The league said the country is struggling to deal with the scourge of women and child r@pe.

It believes castration is a viable deterrent and said the punishment will also stop repeat offenders.

ANCWL said will be speaking to its alliance partners and other civil society organisations.

The call comes on the heels of the r@pe of a 7-year-old girl at a Dros restaurant in Pretoria.

The long “armpit” of the law

The statement, issued late on Tuesday evening, certainly didn’t hold back on its bellicose language, Matuba said that harsh punishments need to be established “from the armpit of the law” to stop r@pists from the “barbaric, cruel acts of using women and children as tools to satisfy their uncontrollable s-e-xual desires.”

According to the SG, they believe that dialogue will be the first step on the road to getting their proposals enshrined in law. The Commission for Gender Equality and the South African Human Rights Commission have also been earmarked as two essential institutions which must host a frank debate on this matter.

Source: eNCA

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