
The Real Housewives of Durban cast Halloween outfits has Mzansi talking

The ladies had a Halloween-themed party on the 5th episode of Real Housewives of Durban. Two of the ladies were dressed like the same character. Some of them understood the assignment, others partially got it right, and some just showed up looking ordinary.

JoJo Robinson

Jojo dressed like Harley Quinn (The Joker’s girlfriend). What made her outfit pop and look amazing on her is that; Jojo has tattoos on her body, and being a petite white woman, she looked exactly like Harley. On her hair, she wore temporary highlights in blue and pink.

Nonku Williams

Nonku wore a cat woman costume. She wore leather tights, a black crop top and cat woman ears. The cat ear headband made it look pop. Quite frankly, Nonku’s outfit was one of the easiest to pull.


LaConco had no time to put an outfit together. She wore black pants and a black top and carried the devil’s fork. She opted for a black eyeshadow that went around her eyes like a panda with her make-up. LaC’s outfit was one of the laziest and worst looking. Sure she was dressed like the devil, but she could’ve put in more outfits.

Londie London and Sarisha Naidoo

Londie and Sarisha were dressed like the same character Maleficent from Disney. Londie wore more of a contoured dress, so her Maleficent rendition looked a bit too glamorous for the villain. Sarisha’s outfit looked a tad more accurate as she wore a plain black dress and a black cape.londie london

Thobile MaKhumalo Mseleku

Thobile was dressed as Little Miss Red Riding Hood. She wore a mini red dress with a cape-like going to the fore. Her outfit was great for lunch and not a costume party. Her outfit was also one of the worst.Thobile MaKhumalo Mseleku


Anne understood the assignment. She was dressed as Cruella de Vil. Everything from the two-toned hair, the red coat and her dress looked on point.

LaConco and Thobile were the worst dressed, their outfits were too simple. Nonku’s outfit was also simple, but she bodied the look, and the leather made it look legitimate. Hopefully, everyone shows up outfit wise on the next episode.

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