
Motorcyclist seriously injured in bakkie vs bike crash

Gauteng Tuesday morning: A 20-year-old male has sustained serious injuries following a collision between a motorcycle and bakkie on Cussonia Avenue near the botanical gardens in Pretoria.

The motorcyclist was treated on scene by Advanced Life support paramedics.

Once stabilised the patient was transported by ambulance to hospital for further treatment.

The driver of the bakkie was not injured.

Shawn Herbst
Media Liaison Officer
Netcare Limited
Netcare 911

In other news – You’re not allowed to get sick, you can’t just ask for a day off – Rami Chuene aka T-Gom breaks

Rami Chuene would not give reasons for her alleged axing from The Queen, but she gave fans a number of scenarios actors are faced with … 30 to be exact.

Rami Chuene

Sunday World reported that Rami’s much-loved character, TGOM, had allegedly been canned after she publicly supported Vatiswa Ndara. This after Vatiswa penned a scathing open letter about exploitation in the industry and highlighted some of her experiences with Ferguson Films. Read more