
Healing is painful – Actress Mona Monyane speaks out

Known for encouraging men and women to approach healing holistically, actress Mona Monyane has urged people to stop overthinking and procrastinating and to start working on their healing.

Taking to her TL with a gentle but candid reminder for her followers, Mona admitted that pain was part of healing, but that should not deter people from making the life-changing decision to heal.

“Healing is painful. Much as life’s challenges, it is truly rough! Because at some point you have to stop waiting for someone to come save you. You have to get intentional about wanting your life to change,
The actress encouraged people to stop drinking alcohol, eat healthier, get exercise or become more physical. Prayer and keeping a diary are among the things that help one get to the other side in the healing process.

Mona Monyane

“Many of us know what to do to get us moving in our healing journeys, but we are fearful, stubborn, we procrastinate, we blame everyone else so that we don’t have to face the fact that … well, sometimes it’s us who is the problem.

“So, when do you allow yourself to gently peel away at the layers of denial and toxicity you harbour within yourself? Will you be gentle with yourself? Get the help you need? Will you keep at it even when it gets hard? Healing is a journey, not a destination … when do you begin yours? ”
Mona has been on a journey of personal healing while encouraging other women to focus on their wellness and she’s revealed how ubungoma helped her in her journey.

Mona Monyane

Mona took to Instagram, speaking of how accepting her spiritual journey helped her heal spiritually and emotionally. My journey of healing started with me answering my ancestral calling. I’ve learnt so much about African spirituality and it has drawn me closer to God,” she wrote.

Speaking to TshisaLIVE, Mona said though she had accepted her ancestral calling and went to a shrine, she does not practise as a “sangoma”.

Mona Monyane

I have a prophetic gifting … I realised that I’m not here to practise as a sangoma. I’m a public figure in the entertainment industry, but I can’t be in this industry without being my true authentic self, and my true authentic self is a woman of God, it’s a woman who speaks the word of life.

Source: Fakazanews

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Katlego Maboe

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