South Africa News

Gwede Mantashe tells May Day rally: ‘You cannot say the alliance is dead’

African National Congress (ANC) national chairperson Gwede Mantashe has disputed claims that the alliance between the ANC, Cosatu, the SACP, and newbies Sanco was dead.

Mantashe delivered the keynote address at the Eastern Cape’s official May Day commemoration hosted by Cosatu in East London.

The ruling party’s chair said that the true intentions of some members of the alliance must be questioned.

In his keynote address, Mantashe addressed the shocking announcement made by alliance partner, the SACP, following its federation congress, to reconfigure the alliance.

The SACP has threatened to contest the national elections against the ANC should its request for change to the alliance not be met.

Mantashe said that the SACP had no clear plan regarding the dissolution of the ANC’s national executive committee and the alliance was very much alive with the two other partners, Cosatu and Sanco.

“People in the ANC NEC are former unionists, they come from the unions. You cannot say the alliance is dead because of one, there are two others. The alliance consists of four independent parties.”


In other news – 5 things to know about Tebogo Lerole who is rumoured to be dating DJ Tira’s wife Gugu Khathi

South African music mogul Mthokozisi Khathi affectionately known as DJ Tira and his wife Gugu’s marriage has been thrust into the spotlight.

Tebogo Lerole and Gugu

This is after claims that the former Makizolo dancer is cheating on the Afrotainment record label boss with Tebogo Lerole. The rumours were started by anti-gender-based violence (GBV) activist Slindile Khumalo who claimed that while at a SUV Challenge event in the Eastern Cape she witnessed Gugu visit Tebogo. Learn More