
Jason Momoa talks preparation for Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom

Actor Jason Momoa has just shed some light on the work that went into making his Aquaman character come to life.  The star weighed in on everything, during a candid interview with E! News. The star first started by referencing how much weight he had to lose for the role and admitted, “I don’t do calories. I just eat” when asked about extreme dieting measures.

In regards to his food plan, the actor admitted not much was off-limits because he ate “everything” leading up to the shoot. This was “because you’re burning so many calories, I just eat and consume. I’m constantly moving and work long days.”

Jason Momoa

Later on, in the conversation he broke his thoughts down by saying, “I just shovel it in, and then work hard. Work hard, eat hard, play hard, just do it. Momoa also went as far as to explain his reasons for maintaining his physique and admitted, “I don’t really do it for vanity. It’s more so I don’t get hurt.”

After all “you’ve got to be prepared. You’re putting on a suit that’s going to weigh 40 pounds. You’ve got to be able to move. That kind of action just puts a lot of weight on your knees. So, you just do it so you don’t get hurt.”

Before signing off he also promised fans a different look into his character and admitted, “it’s all things I never got to play in the last four films that I’ve done. I’m like, ‘People need to see this side of him.’ So that was my request, and I think people are going to really love it.

Source: People

In other news – Carpomore celebrates his bestfriend Cassper Nyovest as he turns 33

Carpomore celebrates Cassper Nyovest’s birthday. The South African rapper turned 33-year-old on Saturday and he was celebrated by friends, colleagues and business partners.

Carpomore and Cassper Nyovest

Taking to Instagram, Carpo who has been friends with the superstar for over two decades penned a beautiful birthday note to him; he shared a video revealing some of their best moments together. Read more