Somizi speaks on why he worships his ancestors – I live by impepho

Somizi has weighed in on the age-old debate on impepho, telling followers that there is nothing evil or dark about using it. The TV personality uses the dried plant to communicate with the ancestors and made it clear in an Instagram post this week that he is not ashamed to do so. He said Africans were taught that it was dark and evil, to stop them from being wise, free and happy.

“So one day many moons ago, someone who’s not African woke up and said I’m going to convince all Africans that this is evil, this is dark, this is a myth, because they realised how stronger, how powerful, how wise, how free, how happy and how rich we would be if we practised our own culture and convinced us that if we do it we must hide it.” He added that he had not fallen for the trick.

“I’m so glad my eyes got opened while I’m still on this earth. I’ve never been happier. I’ve never been this free … Oh, I am so proud. I’m not ashamed any more. I don’t hide any more. I live by impepho and everything you see in that pic,” he wrote, next to a picture of impepho. He said if other people could practise their culture, he should be allowed to, without coming under scrutiny.

“If Indians can proudly and boldly light up incense anywhere any time why can’t I. If Christians can unashamedly whip out their bible any time anywhere why can’t I wear my sphandla with no shame. All I’m saying is do you boo as long as you don’t look down or disrespect my culture and tradition just as much as I should do the same unto you. Thokoza.

In other news – SA celebs who Accidentally K!lled someone

SA Celebs Who Accidentally Killed People! We often read about the sad stories of celebs losing their lives to accidents or domestic abuse.

The likes of Simba Mhere who died in a car crash and Flabba who was stabbed by his partner. Read more

Source: Timeslive

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