South Africa News

JCC’s Hector Pieterson Memorial march calls for free & quality education

Non-profit leadership organization for high school learners, the Johannesburg Junior Council (JCC), is marching to the Hector Pieterson Memorial in Soweto calling for the government to ensure quality education in township schools.

This year’s Youth Day marks the 47th anniversary of the 1976 Soweto uprising where lives were lost during protests over the Bantu education system.

According to the council, township schools are neglected and should be addressed.

Spokesperson Lindo Nkosi said their call was for everyone to get a free, equal education.

“Schools, for example, in Soweto are still suffering from harsh conditions and we don’t want socio-economic factors or even racial identities to hinder the chances of getting a basic or an equal education. So, we are trying to make sure that at a base level, everyone gets free equal education”.


In other news – Sangoma Warns Gogo Maweni: WATCH

Gogo Maweni gets warned by a Sangoma from KZN. In a video that surfaced on social media, the sangoma calls her out to stop her evil practice.

Gogo Maweni

The traditional healer says she is been practicing for over two decades, but she’s irked by how Maweni has portrayed the calling, especially through her reality TV show. “You seem to be proud of being capable of taking a life. Learn More