Mzansi Celebs

Happiness, joy and peace is an inside job – Somizi

Media personality and businessman Somizi Mhlongo has taken to Instagram to share how the non-tangibles are the things that have centered him. He has made his bathroom talks a thing and in a recent session opened up about true happiness. He said God made sure the fundamental and important things were free for a reason.


“I’ve also been in those moments were I wish I had somebody else’s life until I was in their position and realised that all I was doing I was chasing something I am not. I was chasing something that looks like happiness and looks like wealth. I was chasing something that looks like everything is hunky dory.


“Being in this position now of everything I wanted, I realise all I’ve always wanted has always been there. I could’ve had it without the money, without the fame, and without the lifestyle and soft life. What is that? It’s true happiness, it is contentment, it is peace, joy, it is calmness and positivity,” he said


When you operate on a spiritual level and with wisdom you are able to recognise when the devil is testing you, and when the devil is at play. I think this is where Will missed the point, that the devil was at play on that night. He was nominated for an Oscar for best actor, which he happened to win, but a nomination on its own is a big night and the devil started to kick in through Chris Rock.

Source: Timeslive

In other news – Prayers pour in for Gospel star Rebecca Malope

South African gospel star Rebecca Malope opens up about being deeply hurt and she needs prayers to heal her.

Rebecca Malope

Taking to Twitter, the gospel singer claimed to be heartbroken over a huge disrespect experienced over the weekend. Learn more