World News

France denies Russia’s claims that it has mercenaries in Ukraine

France denied on Thursday claims made earlier by Russia that there were French mercenaries in Ukraine, as it responded to a statement made earlier this week by Russia’s defence ministry that Russia had killed French mercenaries in Kharkiv.

“France helps Ukraine with supplies of military material and military training, in full compliance with international law, in order to help Ukraine in its fight to defend its sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity,” said the French foreign ministry.

“France has no mercenaries, neither in Ukraine nor elsewhere, unlike certain others,” it added.

On Wednesday, Russia said its forces had carried out a precision strike a day earlier on a building housing “foreign fighters” in Ukraine’s second city Kharkiv.

The defence ministry said the fighters were mostly French mercenaries and the building was destroyed, with more than 60 people killed. It did not provide evidence, and Reuters could not verify the claims.

Source: SABC

In other news – L’vovo back in studio after a two year break

Kwaito star L’vovo Derrango has returned to the studio after a two year-long hiatus following a car crash and suffering a stroke.


Real name Thokozani Ndlovu, the 43-year-old artist, who is known for his unique blend of kwaito, house and hip-hop music, was involved in a car crash earlier in 2022 and suffered a stroke in December of the same year. Read more