Mzansi Celebs

More pics of fitness bunny Zinhle Masango

More pictures of new fitness bunny Zinhle Masango. Last time we did an article about this girl fitness Bunny Zinhle Masango and you received her well. So we thought of giving you more pictures and information about this beautiful soul so that you get to know her more on a personal level.

In case you missed the article let me just fill you in a bit, So Zinhle Masango (25) decided to hit the gym as a way to escape the pain and learn to defend herself.

She felt helpless while enduring abuse at the hands of her fiance for almost two years. Little did she know that this would lead to her freedom. Today, not only is she a survivor of abuse, she is also a fitness trainer.

While many envy her body, others criticise her shape and refer to her as muscular. But Zinhle said she was not bothered by any nasty comments. She said she was 21 years old when she got engaged to the man she thought was the love of her life.

Shortly after their engagement, Zinhle fell pregnant with her son. She said she blamed herself when the abuse started as she felt she deserved it.

“He would apologise and promise it would never happen again. I believed him. But the abuse continued and he would just apologise each time,” she said.

Zinhle said she felt she could not fight back or defend herself. “I joined the gym as an escape and to learn to fight back,” she said. She said she become mentally empowered and was finally able to stand up for herself. Check these pictures of her taken from her Instagram account as she continues to motivate people and helps us to keep and stay in shape. CLICK NEXT TO SEE MORE PICTURES

 Zinhle MasangoZinhle Masango

Look at that backZinhle Masango

Consistency is the keyZinhle Masango

Never give upZinhle Masango

Thank you Cliff centralZinhle Masango

No pain No gainZinhle Masango

Selfie after workoutZinhle Masango