Families heading to court after Bolt assault

A 39-year-old Bolt driver is due to appear in the Cape Town Magistrate’s Court on Friday on charges of assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm.

The man is accused of attacking and stabbing two of his passengers at the weekend.

Bonile Daniso and Sindy Dlangamandla were injured on Saturday evening when a fight ensued after the driver, reportedly refused to drop them at their desired location despite having paid.

Source: eNCA

In other news – Sandra Bullock planning Hollywood comeback alongside Keanu Reeves

Sandra Bullock is reportedly trying to figure out a “game plan” to make a Hollywood comeback opposite Keanu Reeves almost 10 months after the tragic death of her long-term partner, Keanu Reeves.

The Blind Side star and The Matrix actor, who starred together in 1994’s Speed and later reunited in 2006’s The Lake House, “want to do one more movie together,” claimed an insider. Read more

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