Exercises to Activate Your Core Muscles

The dream of six pack abs and tight core muscles is a common fitness dream for both men and women. However, it’s impossible to achieve if one side of your muscles is working harder than the other – or worse, you’re experiencing muscle pain.

The core, comprised of the trunk and spine, provides support and stabilization for all movements. Any time we twist, turn, bend over at the waist, or hold our body in one position for a long period of time, our core is at work.

The way you sit and your posture (tendency to slouch) are just a couple of the reasons that can cause core problems. It is a highly sensitive area, meaning that an issue affecting the neck may reverberate down the spine or vice versa.

If your core isn’t working properly, other areas that are not meant to handle such stress end up compensating and suffering in the process. This commonly manifests itself in back aches, especially lower back pain.

Core Issues and Exercises

Imagine picking up a box. Yes, we all know that we are supposed to lift with our legs, but this cannot be done unless our stomach is tight and stabilized, so that we can lift with our legs.

Even when working out, you may notice that it is easier to do a sit up on side of your body than the other, which can result in uneven definition of the oblique muscles.

The core is also constantly at work during a variety of sports, including golf, tennis, ice hockey, and baseball. Athletes put so much emphasis on rotating their trunk to one side that they are unable to move fluidly or at all. It has “shut off” because it has been overworked. 

In order to avoid such issues, try these exercises that target the core muscles to help keep them even and balanced:

Trunk Rotation

Lower Abdominal Cross

Source: active

Babes Wodumo’s beauty charms Mr Smeg

South African social media sensation Mr. Smeg has been called out to lay off Babes Wodumo as she still mourning.

Famously known for appreciating female celebrities on Twitter and then asking them out for lunch. Tweeps feel as though Mr. Smeg is slowly worming his way to Babes Wodumo‘s heart. Learn more

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