Zimbabwe’s economic meltdown

The World Food Program (WFP) says the economic meltdown in Zimbabwe is affecting feeding programs to millions of hungry people. Zimbabwe is in the midst of a severe drought and over four million people are facing starvation.

Due to the deterioration of an economy that brimmed with hopeless than two years ago, many people in both urban and rural areas can no longer afford to put food on the table.

The crippling drought has worsened the situation.

“The economic situation makes it difficult for us to operate at a cost-effective level. Almost every aspect of our operation, the cost has increased threefold, so it has a direct impact on the number of people we would reach. For example, transport costs we just did an analysis, the cost of contracting a contractor to move food from point A to B of about 100km has increased by 28 percent,” said WFP Zimbabwe director, Eddie Rowe.

The WFP Zimbabwe boss is also overwhelmed by the huge number of Zimbabweans who need food assistance.

The current persistent high temperatures and poor rainfall has seen most crops wilting.

Livestock in some areas has also been affected by dry conditions.

In other news – Jessica Nkosi extremely angry over fake Instagram account taking money from Fans in her name

TV and media personality Jessica Nkosi is the latest celebrity to fall prey to a fake account causing quite a stir on Instagram. Jessica, who is usually down to earth and a sweetheart, was distraught when fans notified her of a fake Instagram account which scams her fans.

In a series of screenshots, the actress shared on her Instagram stories that the imposter (who pretends to be her) is soliciting money from her fans. continue reading

Source: eNCA

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