Comrades Marathon Association investigating alleged cheating

The Comrades Marathon Association says it is investigating allegations of cheating during this year’s race and instances where runners allegedly submitted false qualifying times.

Race and operations manager Ann Ashworth says in a statement they have received various tip-offs form participants and spectators about instances where runners are suspected of cheating during the race.

She says the association is aware of social media posts allegedly exposing several runners of cheating on the route. Ashworth says they are still to notify KwaZulu-Natal Athletics of the outcome of their investigations.

Source: BBC

In other news – Brenda Ngxoli Airs Family Issues Publicly

South African actress Brenda Ngxoli has openly shared her family’s internal conflicts. Taking to social media, she revealed details about the tensions and disputes she faces with her relatives. Brenda’s candid posts have sparked discussions and drawn significant attention from her followers and the public, highlighting the personal struggles she is navigating.

Brenda has since branded her sister, evil. “Althea Lumka Ngxoli is her name. My ungrateful beloved sister has made a habit through the years of verbally abusing me at every turn she wishes. Who has allegedly been spreading vicious rumours about me, kindly allow me to elaborate. Read more

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