Mzansi Celebs

5 times Sihle Ndaba rocked in jeans: Pictures

5 times Sihle Ndaba rocked in jeans: Pictures. The actress answers some of the questions people ask her on her DM. Chech how she responded back to her fans:


More often than not, I get asked about getting into the Entertainment Industry and “what should/can I do to be an actor, presenter, singer” etc.

Sihle Ndaba

To be honest, I don’t have the answer to that question because everyone’s journey is different. What works for me may not necessarily work for you… ‍♀️

Sihle Ndaba

But, I have noticed a pattern in a lot of success stories from various industries Get your pen and write this down… I’ll give you a minute… Got it? Great. Here it goes… THE TRICK, IS NOT TO QUIT‼ You probably expected some sort of magic formula, but there isn’t really.

Sihle Ndaba

I have learned that no matter what it is that you want, it is attainable. It just may not happen exactly when you want it, but it will happen… I could give you so many examples of different people who have proven this on numerous occasions.

Sihle Ndaba

But this is Instagram & no one has time for that here So, no matter how difficult or impossible your dream or goal seems. Do yourself a favour. KEEP AT IT‼DO NOT QUIT‼ Because “the moment you’re ready to quit is usually the moment right before a miracle happens…”✨ Sihle Ndaba

P.S. shoutout to @deezywaffles & Destiny for helping me get this shot. It took 2hours of driving around, getting lost and some frustration But we did it Thanks family ❤

Source: Instagram/News365coza