South Africa News

Bheki Cele says forces to remain deployed until everything settles down following 2024 elections

Police Minister Bheki Cele said that law enforcement authorities were on standby to deal with any potential incidents after the final election results are announced.

Cele on Friday gave an update on measures put in place to ensure that the IEC delivered free and fair elections with minimal disruptions.

Over 50 people have been arrested across the country for compromising the integrity of the national and provincial polls.

Cele said that intelligence structures had been roped in to keep hotspots under police surveillance.

What we are looking at mostly, is after elections, where some will go for celebration and some for chaos, that might give us some extra work. We have not withdrawn any form of forces. They will remain deployed until everything settles down.”


In other news – Jub Jub fumes after being denied to vote

Mzansi rapper, and TV presenter, Jub Jub was one of many South Africans who were unable to vote in the general elections after going to a station where they were not registered.

Jub Jub fumes after being denied to vote

The musician who presents Moja Love’s reality TV show Uyajola 9/9 shared his annoyance on his Instagram Stories. On Wednesday, 29 May, Jub Jub visited his nearest polling station to cast his vote. However, the TV personality was turned away. Read More