Zodwa Wabantu celebrates 900k followers on Instagram

Zodwa Wabantu celebrates 900k followers on Instagram, promising to deliver more to her fans. The dancer has got an amazing year so far despite the lows that appeared, but she shaken it off by moving on.

Announcing that she’s got nine hundred followers, Zodwa listed out a number of things her followers should look out for, from her.

“I still have more to Deliver to my People🤞 Perfume Deal🏌️‍♀️Season 2🏌️‍♀️ A Movie,I have the Script,Angiveli Kancane😂😂🏌️‍♀️ When you see me just Greet Zodwa Wabantu,” she said.

In other news – Bishops teacher Fiona Viotti under medical care amid s.e.x scandal

The teacher, Fiona Viotti, at the centre of a s.e.x scandal at expensive Cape Town private school Bishops is receiving medical care as the investigation into the allegations that she had a s.e.xual relationship with a pupil continues.

“She needs counselling, and she’s under medical care,” said attorney William Booth, who was appointed by her family to monitor developments in the case. Read more

Source: Fakaza

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