SA Tourism to investigate leaking of Tottenham Hotspur sponsorship deal to media

The SA Tourism board on Wednesday said it will probe the leaking of documents regarding the almost R1 billion sponsorship proposal for English football team Tottenham Hotspur.

This follows the leaked documents to the Daily Maverick last week bringing widespread criticism of the deal.

Last week SA Tourism acting CEO Themba Khumalo raised concern over the leak referring to it as a malicious act while discussions were still in progress.

Addressing the media, he mentioned that the leaked version took the details of the deal out of context and that it did not reflect its benefits.

The SA Tourism board is gunning for the person who is responsible for what Khumalo described as “unSouth African” behaviour after a PowerPoint presentation regarding the Tottenham Hotspur deal was leaked.

In a media statement, the board said it has been deliberating on the matter and decided that a forensic investigation should be conducted.

The board committed to resolving the issue in a timely manner as SA Tourism believes the leak was made prematurely.

This comes after Portfolio Committee Chairperson on Tourism Thandi Mahambehlala ordered that the deal be scrapped.


In other news – PICS: Actress Phindile Gwala-Ngandu so proud of her legs

One thing South African actress and media personality, Phindile Gwala-Ngandu really loves about herself, is how beautiful her legs look which is why she boldly says it out loud every chance she gets. They said, ‘if you have it, why not show it off?’, and it might be the motto she is going with!

She has for a couple of times left many of her social media followers begging for more after stepping out wearing something revealing her legs be it a short skirt, open dress, or even a bikini. Learn More

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