The health benefits of daily dog walks

Everybody knows fresh air are exercise are good for you but are these extra benefits of bringing your canine companion with you? Here’s 5 health benefits of walking your dog.

Better overall health: Walking your dog can help both of you improve cardiovascular fitness, lower blood pressure, have stronger muscles and bones, and decrease stress.

Weight loss: Both of you can achieve your weight loss goals with regular walks.
Mood boost: Going outside is proven to boost your mood plus dogs love to be outside. With all the smells and sights your dog is sure to have a good time.

Happiness boost: Walks make your dog happy! Dogs that don’t receive sufficient exercise and enrichment can become destructive when bored.

You two get to bond: Especially with a new puppy, going on walks is a perfect bonding opportunity between you and your dog.

Source: Fakazanews

In other news –   Scoop Makhathini sets to launch his own clothing brand

Scoop Makhathini has taken to social media to announce that he is set to launch his own clothing brand inspired by his style. The star did not say much but went on to share photos of some of his styles.

Scoop has been in the industry for quite some time now and he has decided to take another dimension by investing into clothing. Learn more

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