Twitter reacts: Thabang stabbed people all because of a R20? #YobeMzansi

The prisoner, Thabang, said he’s apologising because he assaulted elderly people and they did not deserve to be assaulted. These people allegedly died because of a R20 that was owed to Thabang.

To say that Tuesday night’s episode of Yobe left Twitter shook is the understatement of the year, because it’s not every day where a criminal asks for forgiveness from the family of a person he stabbed for a mere R20. Yes! A whole twenty rand!

Tweeps didn’t think Thabang’s apology was sincere. It also didn’t help his case when he mentioned that he was also hoping to get a lighter sentence after his apology.

Obvs, Twitter thought that the story didn’t add up and they had the memes to match.

We understand that R20 buys a loaf of bread and some atchar on the side, but to take a life because of that? Sjoe! Twitter felt the victim was a far better person for being willing to listen to Thabang’s apology and consider forgiving him.

At least he got closure.

Source: Times Live


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