Rolene Strauss announces pregnancy

Former Miss World Rolene Strauss, has announced in a live video on her YouTube channel that she’s pregnant with her second child. We decided to get pregnant again at the end of last year,” Rolene says in the video. But before they started trying, she wanted to complete the photoshoot for a recent Women’s Health cover. Preparing for the photoshoot meant she’d have to follow a strict diet and an intense exercise regime.

After completing the photo shoot she and her husband, D’Niel, started planning for their second child. Literally three days later [after the decision] my son ran up to me and said, ‘Mommy, Mommy, there’s a baby in your tummy!’

A while later, she started feeling nauseous all the time and decided to take a pregnancy test. “And the rest is history,” Rolene says. The couple’s son, whose name they don’t want in the media, is two years and seven months old. For a while we could give him all our time and attention. So it feels that the time is right to get pregnant again.

“I’d like to give birth in January or February,” Rolene says.
Rolene is now three months pregnant and past the potential crisis stage of the pregnancy. But she’ll be going for an ultrasound on Tuesday to check for any possible risks.


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Source: Channel24

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