President Ramaphosa returns to Parliament for Q&A session

President Cyril Ramaphosa is due to face another grilling session in Parliament on Thursday when he appears before National Council of Provinces (NCOP).

Ramaphosa appeared before the National Assembly three weeks ago where he was questioned on rising crime and downsizing his Cabinet which has since grown in numbers.

On Thursday, Ramaphosa will make another return to Parliament but will face questions from the provinces represented in the upper house.

The president is expected to field a different set of questions from NCOP delegates on issues including the impact of load shedding on service delivery as well as the country’s greylisting by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF).

Ramaphosa will again have to address concerns about the size of his Cabinet like he did during his National Assembly question session.

The Freedom Front Plus’s Fannie du Toit representing the North West will ask Ramaphosa whether the size of his recent Cabinet reshuffle is in the best interest of the country, taking into account that the fiscus can no longer afford it.

The country’s greylisting by the FATF will also come under discussion and whether the government had made any progress in implementing urgent steps to address concerns identified by the force.


In other news – VIDEO: Inside Scandal! actress Mapaseka Koetle’s Birthday celebration

South African actress, businesswoman, and blogger, Mapaseka Koetle gave us an insight into what went down when she was celebrating the day she was born, and judging from the shared video, she, her friends, and her family really had a great time, which will be a thing to remember for the coming years.

She was born on the 23rd of March in the year, 1989, in Bloemfontein, Free State. She is known for her role as Dintle Nyathi in the South African soap drama television series Scandal!. Learn More

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