Over 40 killed in bloody attack on Nigerian Catholic church during Sunday mass

Over 40 people have been reportedly killed in an attack on St Francis Catholic Church in Owo Local Government Area of Ondo State Nigeria on Sunday, with the death toll expected to rise, Nigeria’s Punch Newspaper reports.
A viral online video showed some worshippers being killed and lying on the floor of the church in pools of their own blood, according to local media reports.

According to Punch, President Muhammadu Buhari said “only fiends from the nether region” could have done this “dastardly act”.

The armed men entered St Francis Catholic church in the town of Owo during a Sunday service. They fired into the congregation and then kidnapped a priest as well as some other churchgoers, witnesses said.
President Buhari condemned the attack on churchgoers in the strongest terms.

Furthermore, Vice President Professor Yemi Osinbajo joined President Muhammadu Buhari to condemn in the strongest terms, the atrocious killing of worshippers on Sunday at the St Francis Catholic Church.

“This saddens me inexplicably, and I mourn the dead from this very unfortunate event. Also, my thoughts and my prayers go to the victims and their families, the Catholic Church, and the government of Ondo state.
Nigeria has experienced an upsurge in violence in recent months. No figures for the numbers killed or abducted in Sunday’s violence have been confirmed, said authorities.

Source: IOL

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