Nasty C reveals a big secret

Nasty C reveals a big secret. The people of the Twitter-sphere, were sceptical, to say the least, coming up with all sorts of assumptions of what the young ‘Hell Nah’ rapper would reveal. Last night Sunday 24th, young rapper Nasty C revealed his top secret with these fans. He introduced the reveal through a cryptic tweet he posted about self-love and self-respect.

Here at ZAlebs, we too were at the edge of our seats eager to hear what all the fuss was about. Nasty C, linked to a Youtube video where he then proceeds to talk about facing his insecurities and letting his fans know how this secret made him fearful of other peoples reaction to it.

He continued to say, that he has become so used to hiding this secret that even his girlfriend has only ever seen “it” once before. Are you’re freaking out, yet? Now, your imagination is going wild, right? Same. The suspense is killing us so what could it be C?

Well, before the two-minute prelude to the secret reveal is given to his now highly concerned fans. He ends his introduction with a positive conclusion.

Letting all the people of Mzansi know that even though he has gone through years of bullying and feeling cautious about his secret, he feels like now is the time he looks at the bigger picture.

He believes, that by sharing his insecurities with the world he would, in turn, have his fans feeling brave to share their own insecurities too. Without feeling ashamed about it.

“God made you that way.” The camera lowers and there we see Nasty C taking off his sock while letting out a nervous laugh before admitting that he was indeed nervous.

Once the sock is off, we’re able to see that Nasty C has a large big toe. Essentially, its a birth defect where his toes have not split. It appears to only be on the right foot as he shares it with us and his friend next to him in the video.

In true Twitter fashion, the reactions from the fans and the haters were of course, a mixed bag.

Whatever the reviews, thoughts and opinions Mzansi had, you can’t deny that Nasty C is always going to secure the bag-regardless. Not to long ago, Nasty C was spotted in studio with international hip hop star, the don- Big Sean. With these two mixing it up in the studio, the people can definitely expect nothing but G.O.O.D Music.

But more so than ever, it seems like the young rapper had more likes on this one-then dislikes. Sorry haters.

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Source: ZAlebs

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