Monkeypox outbreak: Health Dept continuing with surveillance and contact tracing

The Health Department says it’s continuing surveillance, contact tracing, and health education activities across the country, amid a monkeypox (Mpox) outbreak.

The total number of positive cases in the country currently stands at seven, with the Western Cape having recorded its first case.

The department said the latest confirmed case was a 39-year-old male patient, who was admitted to a private health facility in Cape Town.

Health Department spokesperson Foster Mohale: “We’ve noted that almost all cases or patients are living with chronic illnesses such as HIV and this suggests a higher probability of immuno-compromised unless the patients are adhering to prescribed treatment.”


In other news – Ayanda Thabethe’s baby daddy, Peter Matsimbe spotted driving R14 million Ferrari – VIDEO

Well-known South African television host and beauty influencer, Ayanda Thabethe’s controversial baby daddy, Peter Matsimbe, has wagged tongues after photos and videos of his new Ferrari SF90 Spider made rounds on the internet.

Since it was posted on the internet, the post has gained thousands of comments and reactions. Over the years, Peter Matsimbe has hogged headlines with some of his flashiest, which cost a fortune. Read More

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