Reason Why Vitamin C Is Important For Men’s Skincare Routine

Have you ever looked into the mirror and noticed dark spots, wrinkles, dry and dull skin, or even signs of sun damage? If you said yes to any of the above, you’re not alone. Pollution, sun damage, stress, and other lifestyle factors can seriously damage your skin and affect its texture.

Before you stress out over this, meet Vitamin C: a naturally occurring ingredient that can be the answer you’ve been waiting for!

While men’s skin is thicker than women’s skin by approximately 20 per cent, men’s skin can also face equal amounts of damage from the sun.

One of the major consequences of sun damage is skin ageing. Whether you’re out and about in the sun all day or staying in and working from home, the UV rays can penetrate through and cause damage to your skin. Vitamin C, an ingredient that’s largely used in serums, helps counter skin ageing caused by sun damage.

That’s not all! UV rays can cause other kinds of skin damage like uneven skin tone, fine lines, and wrinkles. It’s important to incorporate Vitamin C, an ingredient that helps control and repair these skin conditions with every application. As a naturally occurring acidic ingredient, Vitamin C contains collagen that helps with boosting the generation of new ones, making your skin supple, glowing and youthful.

If you’re wondering how to incorporate this wonder ingredient into your skincare routine, it’s simple! Once you’re done with cleansing your face, apply a few drops of Vitamin C serum on your face.

Remember: dab, don’t rub! You can follow it up with sunscreen if you’re going to be out and about. And that’s it! Glowing face revealed.

Source – fakazanews

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