Man falls 7 floors from the building – Pictures

A specialized rescue had to be initiated for a Durban man who fell from a high-rise building in Durban’s CBD on Friday, according to paramedics.

Rescue Care spokesperson Garrith Jamieson said the man, who was thought to have fallen seven floors, at least, needed special assistance on the Victoria Embankment.

“He is being rescued by advanced life support paramedics from Rescue Care… He sustained critical injuries and will be transported to the hospital.”

He said police and Metro Search and Rescue officials watched over the rescue.

Jamieson said the circumstances leading up to the fall were unknown.

“SAPS (the South African Police Service) are on scene to investigate further.”

In other news – Ntsiki Mazwai attacks Sports, Arts & Culture Minister Mthethwa – Get a life

CONTROVERSIAL Ntsiki Mazwai has done it again! The singer and poet, who often makes headlines by shaming and fighting with people, has fired shots at Sports, Arts and Culture Minister Nathi Mthethwa by telling him to “fetch your life”.

On Sunday Ntsiki tweeted the Springboks reminded her of apartheid. “Guys I find our rugby team to be an apartheid trigger. I can’t celebrate the victory of white domination using a black female CEO,” she tweeted. continue reading

Source: DailySun

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