Major things that could lead to stroke at old age

Stroke is a dangerous chronic disease that has sadly lead to the death of thousands of people around the world. Because of how deadly stroke is, it is something that needs to be avoided.

But over the years, a lot of people have become victims of stroke and are still becoming victims to stroke. There are a lot of things that cause stroke in the body, many of which fall back to our habits and wrong choices in life.

This is why we all have been very conscious of our habits and know the wrong habits that may cause dangerous diseases such as stroke. Read on to know.

1. Smoking
Smoking has been proven to not only affect heart health but also affect the brain. Studies have found that smoking increases a person odds of chronic sicknesses. Cigarette smoking causes a fatty buildup in your main neck artery. It also thickens your blood which makes it more likely to clot which increases your odds of stroke.

2. High blood pressure
Studies have also found that extremes of high blood pressure leads to stroke or even sudden death. Although high blood pressure is a less deadly disease, it could cause serious sickness or even death when underestimated.

3. Heart diseases
Clogged arteries are mostly one of the major causes of heart disease. When most heart disease occur, they tend to lead to stroke or even high blood pressure. Studies have found that most people that suffer heart diseases tend to suffer stroke.

4. Family
Your gene and family background could also play an important role in determining whether you suffer stroke. For people from these type of gene or family background, they are advised to start avoiding certain things that cause stroke at a much younger age.

5. Age
Age also has a serious influence on whether a person will suffer stroke or not. As old age approaches, your chances of suffering from such types of diseases increases.

Source: Fakaza

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