Pictures: Lethabo Molotsi looks super h0t in this black dress

Not so sure what really God used when he made this sexxy African queen, Lethabo Molotsi because every time she dresses she causes a stir on social media. These h0t snaps of her in black dress will make you drink water a million times.

She perfectly aims right at the centre of the heart of everyone who comes across her snaps every time she posts. With this king of way, there is no way we are gonna get enough of her.

Blessed are those who do encounter with her in person and we wonder how they are left feeling after she passes through. That big b00ty is no kids game and she has received a lot of praise because of that.

She received a lot of compliments from her Instagram followers with comments:

matome.mosehla: Wow neh, 🤔 adorable 💖

______kennyteyzer______: Looking gorgeous ❤️❤️❤️❤️

m.tumelo: Wow indeed God is beautiful, look at what he created 😍😍

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Source: Instagram, News365

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