KZN communities urged to respect IEC officials during special votes

The IEC’s Provincial Electoral Officer in KwaZulu-Natal, Ntombifuthi Masinga, has appealed to communities not to violate staff who will be administering special votes in various parts of the country today and tomorrow.

More than 1.6 million South Africans have registered for special votes. In KwaZulu-Natal, over 320 000 people have registered for special votes.

Voting stations will be open between 09:00 and 17:00 and at the same time home visits will be undertaken. Only voters who were approved for special votes will be allowed to vote on these two days.

Masinga says, “In the province and in the country, there will be a lot of IEC officials that will be out in the field. We appeal to communities to protect them and keep them safe because we know that things can happen out there. So, we are saying to communities to be on the lookout for our staff that will be visiting people that will be visited at home.

President Cyril Ramaphosa has lauded the IEC for its preparation for this year’s elections. Ramaphosa says the country’s elections, since the dawn of democracy, have been defined by integrity. He was addressing the nation last night as the over 27 million South Africans prepare to cast their votes from today until Wednesday.

The president says, “We commend the Independent Electoral Commission for the impressive work they have undertaken in preparation for these elections. We have once again witnessed the capabilities of the IEC in the successful voter registration weekends, in the registration of parties and candidates, in the preparation of ballot papers, in the organisation of overseas voting, and in the diligent application of our electoral laws. We convey our thanks to the IEC staff as they deliver on this most important responsibility in the coming days. One of the defining features of all our elections since 1994 has been their integrity.

Source: eNCA

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Popular South African star, and former Gomora actor Moshe Ndiki is counting his lucky stars after surviving an alleged attempted car hijacking.

According to a police report, which the publication has seen, Moshe went through the ordeal on 7 January 2024 in Sandton, north of Joburg. Read more

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