Photos: Prophet Bushiri and family visit Israella’s grave after her burial

The family of self-proclaimed Prophet Shepherd Bushiri went to visit the grave of their eight-year-old daughter Israella Bushiri, a week after she was laid to rest.

Bushiri penned out a heartfelt message dialogue on his Facebook page for her older daughter Raphaella, whom also accompanied her parents to the cemeteries.

Bushiri wrote: “Hey Raphaelle, my mirror has been broken but God – the potter in whose hands I’m clay – will put it back together.

“The place I would see myself. My duplicate would appear, an unfiltered reflection, not just my shadow in it, another me.”

He further wrote: “Oh dad! Butterflies are beautiful and lovely, beautiful but scarce. They appear in season. They are not meant to stay longer. They vanish and disappear but in their short time around they love beauty – flowers, that is.”

He continued with the dialogue saying: “Listen Raphaella, your mum and I came to show you where what remained was kept. The rest is in God’s hands, a place of worship and joy. But here we are, she was kept here. Never forget it’s just the remains. You can now continue where she left off. Go give the poor. Go pray for others Confidently tell them, yes, Jesus heals!”

“Oh yes dad! He healed you, my parents, and my heart when we were broken the most. He lifted the burden of a reality that weighed us down. I now believe He heals!

“My sister left scars on my fragile heart.

“After your prayers and courage, dad, the scars on my heart have healed completely!”

He concluded the dialogue by writing: “Yes daughter, we are rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer Romans 12:12 NKJV.”

The Bushiris lost their younger daughter in March due to lung complications in a Kenyan hospital.

-daily sun

In other news – South Africans shocked by Boity’s alcohol prices

Tv presenter and rapper Boitumelo “Boity” Thulo has received backlash about the prices of her alcohol. Following in the footsteps of other female celebrities who are already making their marks in the alcohol business such as Khanyi Mbau, Bonang Matheba, Kelly Khumalo, and DJ Zinhle, Boity recently announced her new alcohol business venture BT Signature.

Announcing her power move last month, she posted a picture of herself sipping on her BT Signature and a few pictures of the beverage with a caption. Learn More

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