Is it ever okay to go through your partner’s phone?

At times, it can be a tempting idea to check your lover’s phone and see what all is happening in their digital world.

Who are the people they have been recently chatting with, what all apps they are using, what’s in their search history or photo gallery—your lover’s phone might have something that can take you by surprise, right?

Well, you can easily snoop on your significant other’s phone when he is not around but is it healthy for your relationship? Here are a few things you should know before you check your partner’s phone.

Respect your partner’s privacy
First, checking your partner’s phone without his permission can be a violation of his privacy. Ask yourself how would you feel if you find your lover secretly prying on your mobile and reading every text you exchanged with your bestie? In fact, this urge to check your partner’s phone may indicate that all is not well in your relationship.

​Are there trust issues?
Experts suggest that going through your partner’s phone might mean you are feeling insecure in your relationship or thinking your partner is hiding something from you. While snooping on his phone might momentarily seem like a good idea but it only creates problem in the long run. There is a high probability that you might even end up making assumptions or misinterpreting conversations.

It also depends upon your equation
Checking your partner’s phone without his knowledge can be an intrusion in his personal space but every couple shares a different equation. Many are comfortable sharing their passwords with each other and letting their partner go through their phone without their consent but this arrangement can only work if they strike a mutual understanding on this subject. But again, expecting privacy is also justified and healthy in a relationship.

​In case you are tempted
In case you feel tempted to check your partner’s phone, it is best to ask yourself a few questions. What is urging me to do this? Will this help to improve our relationship? How can I do this so that it helps to build trust in our relationship rather than distrust? Why don’t I take his/her permission before doing it? Reflecting on these questions will surely help you to gain clarity about your relationship.

Source: Fakazanews

In other news – Tyler Perry involved in a car accident

Tyler Perry has been involved in a car accident. The 52-year-old actor was driving his Bentley and became involved in a collision with a vehicle driven by a female driver who had “cut across three lanes”, but both have escaped uninjured.

Tyler is absolutely fine, as is the other driver. The other driver cut across three lanes of traffic, right across Tyler’s path, and unfortunately his car hit her driver’s side. Learn more

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