Errol Musk claims to have a child with stepdaughter

Errol Musk – the father of billionaire businessman Elon Musk has revealed that he fathered two children with his stepdaughter. To recap, in 2018 it came to light that the 76-year-old had welcomed a son with 35-year-old Jana Bezuidenhout, but most recently he told The Sun she had given birth to a second child who had been “unplanned”.

Errol was married to Jana’s mother Heide Bezuidenhout for 18 years and the pair had two biological children together. He also helped raise Jana (from Heide’s previous relationship), who lived with him from the age of four.

“I haven’t checked her DNA. But she looks just like my other daughters. She looks like Rose and Tosca mixed up,” Errol told The Sun yesterday of his new daughter with Jana. “She looks exactly like Rushi [Errol and Jana’s son] and she behaves like him. So it’s pretty obvious you know.”

“She wasn’t planned. But I mean, we were living together. She [Jana] stayed here for about 18 months after Rushi was born,” he added. As for how his other children feel about his relationship with Jana, he admitted they were “shocked” to find out. “They still don’t like it. They still feel a bit creepy about it, because she’s their sister. Their half-sister.”
Errol went on to discuss the difficulties of having a romance with an age gap, and revealed that he and Jana are no longer living together but that they “have a lot of affection for each other”. He also pointed out that having his two youngest children at home proved difficult.

“But I realised she’s two generations behind whereas her mother was one generation behind when I married her,” he said. “The thing is it’s not practical. She’s 35 next birthday. So she’s getting on. So eventually if I’m still around she might wind up back with me. It’s difficult.”

He went on, “I mean, I would much rather have them here. But Jana came and spent a few days here about six months ago. And the kids were starting to get on my nerves. Then I miss them as soon as they have gone.”

Echoing his son’s belief on reproduction, Errol added: “The only thing we are on Earth for is to reproduce. If I could have another child I would. I can’t see any reason not to.

Source: cosmopolitan

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