This is best diet to lose weight if you have diabetes

Weight gain is one of the signs of Type 2 diabetes. It happens due to insulin therapy, a common diabetes treatment. When insulin, which is responsible for absorbing glucose to produce energy, absorbs too much sugar from food during the procedure, the body converts it into fat.

Excessive fat storage leads to weight gain. The problem with diabetic patients is that they have to be particular about what they eat.

So, when it comes to shedding kilos and maintaining a healthy weight, they have to be extra cautious with their eating habits and diet as following an incorrect diet can worsen their symptoms.
The best diet to lose weight
According to a new study, incorporating a low energy diet might be the best option for those diagnosed with Type 2 patients. The study published in a journal from the European Association for the Study of Diabetes Diabetologia, suggests that a very low energy diet and formula meal replacement is the most effective approach when it comes to weight loss and management in the case of diabetes.

​The study
In the study carried out by Professor Mike Lean, Dr Chaitong Churuangsuk, and their colleagues at the Universities of Glasgow, the researcher carefully examined 19 published meta-analyses. At the end of the finding, they explained that while results are not always the same for everyone, having a low energy diet can still be better for a diabetic patient in more than one way. Apart from this, the team of the researchers also found that consuming a low energy diet for 12 weeks followed by a low-fat high carbohydrate diet was most effective for people with Type 2 diabetes to lose weight.

What is a low energy diet?
A very low energy diet (VLEDs) is defined as a diet in which a person has to consume less than 3.4 MJ (800 kcal) per day. The diet only contains daily allowances of all essential nutritional requirements. The diet has been a part of clinical use for more than 20 years. This diet programme is usually followed for 8-16 weeks, which helps the person lose 1.5-2.5 kilos per week. In the case of type 2 diabetes, this diet may improve long-term glucose metabolism and help lose some kilos.

​How the diet plan looks like
The very low energy diet is a 3 meal a day plan with water in between. The meals are generally non-starchy, coloured vegetables and good quality protein. It is also essential to drink at least 2 litres of water daily. When following this diet, people are also suggested to do gentle exercise to prevent constipation. Snacking and alcohol intake is prevented as they may increase the daily energy count. And this is important, the more reliable source of health advice you find, the better weight loss results you may get.

Word of caution
The diet can lead to serious side effects and even worsen the symptoms in some people. So, before following this diet, the person needs to consult the doctor. After a medical check-up, the doctor may tell whether or not you should follow the diet trend. Besides, this diet is better for short-term weight loss goals. Following this diet for a long time may lead to side effects like fatigue, constipation and bad breath.

Source: Fakaza

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