Best Classic Potato Salad

This is a classic potato salad with optional crispy pancetta to jazz it up. Perfect for picnics and barbecues, it’s super simple and only takes about 20 minutes to put together.

1kg/2lb 4oz new potatoes, halved or quartered so that they’re all similar sizes
150g/5½oz diced smoked pancetta or diced bacon (optional)
4 spring onions, thinly sliced
2 tbsp full-fat mayonnaise
1 lemon, zest only
1 tsp white wine vinegar
salt and freshly ground black pepper
Add the potatoes to a large saucepan. Just cover with cold water and season generously with salt.

Bring to the boil and cook for 10–15 minutes or until the potatoes are soft enough to fall off the end of a knife when poked.

Drain the potatoes and leave them to cool to room temperature.

Add the pancetta (if using) to a cold frying pan then place over a medium-high heat. Cook until golden-brown and crispy, then remove from the pan with a slotted spoon and leave on a plate lined with kitchen paper. Keep the fat that’s left in the pan.

Set aside about a quarter of the spring onions and pancetta, then combine all the other ingredients (except the spuds) in a large bowl along with some of the pancetta fat. Mix well and season with salt and pepper to taste.

Stir through the potatoes and serve, topping with the remaining spring onions and pancetta.

Source: BBC

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