Nota Baloyi on his plans to buy his ex-wife, Berita a farm

Nota Baloyi has revealed his plans to buy his ex-wife, Berita a farm. The star started that Berita used to complain about her engagement on Twitter.

In his words, Nota jokingly revealed that he solved the problem while walking on water which he turned from wine because she doesn’t drink liquor. He said if she complains about the same thing next, he is ready to buy her a farm so she can make it.

Nota tweeted: “My wife used to complain that she doesn’t get engagement on Twitter… I solved that problem while walking on water which I turned from wine because she doesn’t drink liquor then I made her Rooibos tea because it’s her favorite next I’m going to buy her a farm so she can make it!

Source: Fakazanews

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