Arts Minister Nathi Mthethwa responds to Vatiswa Ndara’s open letter

Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture Nathi Mthethwa confirmed he had received the open letter addressed to him from veteran actress Vatiswa Ndara. Ndara took to Twitter on Monday and accused local production houses, particularly Ferguson Films, of exploiting actors and poor working conditions.

“At the risk of public shame, humiliation and salacious headlines, not to mention alienation from peers and possible blacklisting from the powers that be in the sector, I humble myself in expressing the truth of my experience in the arts and entertainment industry and publicly exposing the depth of my frustrated and broken spirit”, said Ndara.

She continued by sharing the details of a contract offered to her by Ferguson Films for the third season of the hard-hitting drama series “iGazi.

“…we would like to offer Vatiswa a global contract for ‘iGazi’ for R110k (before tax) for the duration of 5 weeks. No limit to calls, first call exclusive to us. She will also need to allocate a day a wardrobe fitting and make up tests… but otherwise we only have her during the five shooting week.

In other news – Prince Kaybee responds to claims he snubbed Msaki

House DJ Prince Kaybee has apologised to musician Msaki after she was not acknowledged for her contribution on their hit Fetch Your Life at a recent awards ceremony. The song won the House Record of the Year at the Dance Music Awards SA (DMASA).

After an uproar on social media for not giving props where they were due, Kaybee explained the reason why Msaki’s name was not mentioned in the acceptance speech. He claimed that while accepting the award on his behalf, his booking manager forgot to mention Msaki during his speech. Read more

Source: eNCA

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