ANC and DA reach agreement after reviving talks

The ANC and DA have finally reached a deal over their involvement in cabinet.

After weeks of negotiations, leaked letters, and public spats, the two parties are believed to have made a breakthrough on Saturday after crisis talks.

Sources close to the negotiations told the publication that talks had collapsed last week due to several leaked letters with both parties accusing each other of negotiating in bad faith, however Saturday’s meeting resurrected the negotiations and hastened a deal.

The sources confirmed that the DA will assume control of six key cabinet positions and ministries as part of the power-sharing arrangement which are ;

– Home Affairs

– Basic Education

– Public Works and Infrastructure

– Communications and Digital Technologies

– Forestry, Fisheries, and the Environment

– Agriculture

“People within the ANC are not thrilled but the deal is done. The DA have put forward their position that they have a particular set of skills that can improve these ministries, we will have to wait and see,” said the source.

Further details on the composition of the cabinet and the specific plans for each ministry are expected to be announced in the coming days.

“With the negotiations with the DA concluded, it is expected that President Cyril Ramaphosa will announce his cabinet within the next 48 hours,” said the source.


In other news – Skeem Saam: Actress Jacobeth and her scammer ex-boyfriend Kganyago ARRESTED

Jacobeth Thobakgale has been arrested, along with her police officer friend Rathebe and her scammer ex-boyfriend Kganyago, on Skeem Saam.

This occurred after she and Rathebe travelled from Turfloop to Mpumalanga to get back Jacobeth’s money from Kganyago. They found him at the residence of a wealthy widow, Mam’Khoza. Unbeknownst to Mam’Khoza, Kganyago was scheming to defraud her of her millions. Read More

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