AKA’s Jika trending as the biggest song in SA at the moment

Mzansi hip hop legend, AKA, shared exciting news with his social media followers earlier today about his song, Jika trending as the biggest song in SA at the moment.
We knew it, it was only a matter of time before the talented AKA manoeuvred his fans to help him reach the number one spot. AKA shared the current stats from Radio Monitor’s biggest South African artists.

And it so happened that his song, Jika, had moved a place up, overtaking Prince Kaybee’s Fetch Your Life. He wrote: “It gives me great pleasure to announce… That after a short period of business and water related activities… #JIKA is now officially the biggest song in the country. Thank You very much, and praise God.

In his tweet on Twitter, he mentions that Kaybee’s has the biggest song in the country and is the only thing that stands between him and the number one spot. We’re sure that AKA acknowledges Prince Kaybee’s sharp musical skills but does he really feel threatened by him or just encouraging his fans to help him reach the number one spot.

Social media is one way that fans can stay connected and involved in their favourite celebs’ lives. AKA loves using social media to get fans’ attention, especially when it comes to him and Zinhle.


AKA fan creatively reached out to check on the Supa Mega. Instead of assuming the worst or needing to know what was going on, this fan rallied up the crew and got AKA’s attention by showing him love.

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