AKA and DJ Zinhle share a kiss

AKA and DJ Zinhle share a kiss. Just when we thought we were #LeavingFebuaryLike…DJ Zinhle and AKA stay loved up like it’s Valentines Day and we’re not (entirely) jealous of all this positive energy.

The East Coast Radio Music Takeover event had the couple perform along with Durban duo Distruction Boyz, live on a stage that was elevated to the level of a four-metre billboard.

The parents of little three-year-old Kairo Forbes were snapped publicly sharing a kiss before Zinhle took to the stage in Umlazi, Durban on Monday morning to spin the decks. The pair were both headlines acts at the East Coast Radio Music Takeover, which makes sense why the two were there…at the same place…at the same time…together? Talk about being having levels to your swag, right? Shu!


In a quick interview with East Coast Radio, AKA jumped off stage to say:

“This was such a dope event to be a part of and I commend ECR for thinking outside the box and doing something different, bringing us to the people of Umlazi.”

After AKA ended his gig, he shared a quick kiss with DJ Zinhle as she was about to take the stage.

The pair have been rumoured to be back together after the Fela in Versace rapper, broke up with media personality Bonang Matheba last year. The two, however, have publicly denied rumours that they are an item, saying they are just co-parenting. But we’re not really buying what they’re selling after a number of incidents have had them at the same place…at the same time…obviously together.


Their management has remained tight-lipped about the couples extramural activities. Read more about the couple’s good times when AKA plays DJ for a day. At the East Coast Radio Music Takeover, it was reported that the pair stopped traffic – not with their kiss but rather with the live billboard performance.

“It was a really weird feeling performing, as a DJ, on a Monday morning, on the side of the road. I’m am really excited to be a part of this,” said DJ Zinhle to East Coast Radio.

The event was a campaign for East Coast Radio, the first of its kind taking performances to new heights (quiet literally) as these hitmaker artists rocked the elevated stage.

East Coast Radio general manager Boni Mchunu said that the “Live Billboard” was a way for the station to interact and “get into people’s lives. We pride ourselves in innovation and really being able to connect with our listeners at a very personal level.”

Mchunu definitely got personal – just not in a way that even she could have anticipated when the smooch went down between the unassuming power couple.

Whatever these two would like to call their partnership, their friendship, their co-parent-ship, its all in the name of love and we will continue to keep an eye out for any future public displays of affection.

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Source: ZAlebs

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