A Natural Solution to Your Bed Bug Problem

Bed bugs are a growing problem that many people tend to be facing. However, with their bites being quite similar to mosquito bites, most people tend to brush it off instead of taking action. Because bed bugs are very good at hiding and only tend to be visible when the bed bug infestation is beyond repair, you could be facing a bed bug problem and not even realize it. While the best way to treat a bed bug infestation is by hiring professional help, there are natural remedies that you can use to help with a bed bug problem. 


Because hiring a pest infestation service can be rather expensive, a good alternative that can help you deal with the problem is alcohol. The experts over at pestseek.com explain that rubbing alcohol might not be able to kill the bed bug’s eggs, but it can be effective in killing the bed bugs themselves. That’s because alcohol not only acts as a repellent and prevents the bed bugs from crossing over to certain areas, but it also dissolves their outer skeleton and kills them over time. In order to do this, you must first identify the bed bugs location and it is recommended to spray the alcohol directly onto any visible bedbugs. 

Baking Soda 

Another useful home remedy for bed bugs includes using baking soda. Baking soda is known to be one of the handiest ingredients to be found at home. Because it has the ability to absorb the liquids on the surface of a bed bug’s shell, applying baking soda leads to their dehydration. Not only that, but it can also pass through their shell and cause internal bleeding leading to their death. All you have to do is sprinkle baking soda around the infected areas of your mattress and bed and clean the area by getting rid of the dead bed bugs after a few days before repeating the process again. While it is said to reduce the infestation, it is not guaranteed that it will eliminate the bed bugs entirely.

Lavender Oil 

While lavender oil is known to have many purposes, it also acts as a natural remedy for the prevention of bed bugs. Due to the toxic scent that bed bugs can’t seem to handle, it acts as a natural repellent, keeping them away from the areas where the oil is sprayed. In order to use lavender oil, it is best to dilute 10-15 drops with 50 ml of water and mix them together in a spray bottle. You’ll need to spray the mixture directly to infected areas where the bed bugs are visible. However, lavender oil mainly works at repelling the bed bugs and preventing them from coming near the sprayed area but does not work on actually eliminating or getting rid of the bed bugs. 

Tea Tree oil

Another natural ingredient that is useful when it comes to getting rid of bed bugs is tea tree oil. Not only is it a healthier option to use alcohol, but it is also anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and even anti-viral. While tea tree oil possesses a strong scent that can be a bit difficult to breathe in, it is not toxic to inhale, allowing you to spray as much as needed. One of the reasons it is an effective natural remedy to use is because it masks the smell of sweat, which is a scent that the bed bugs are attracted to, allowing it to be used as a trap to help kill the bed bugs. It is best to use an undiluted version to get the best effect rather than mixing it with water. 


One other common element found at home that you could use to help kill bed bugs is vinegar. While it is an effective treatment to spray on bed bugs and lead to their death, it is best used along with other natural remedies to get the best results. Vinegar is also only effective on actual bed bugs but does not have the power to kill the eggs, requiring a lot of vacuuming as well as using alternative remedies to eliminate the infestation. 

Bed bugs are a health hazard that needs to be treated as soon as possible to prevent it from spreading. Instead of hiring professional help immediately, you can try using the above natural remedies to help contain the situation and even act as a means of prevention. Throwing away infected items is recommended, or at least cleaning them by alternating between really hot and really cold temperatures to ensure that any remains are killed. 

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