Pipe Problems and How to Solve Them

You wouldn’t believe the number of minor inconveniences resulting from leaky pipes that could lead to disasters, eventually costing you thousands of dollars. Not knowing when to handle a plumbing problem, either by yourself or by calling your plumber, can leave you in the dark about the actual damages caused by these issues. You don’t have to be a professional to solve minor plumbing problems, which can help you save a few bucks in the long run. To be able to deal with the kind of frustration that piping problems leave you with, we made a guide on how to deal with the most common pipe problems that you can expect to face at some point.

Clogged Sinks

Fortunately, most common clogs are easy to fix by yourself. The main culprit of clogged sinks is debris or blockages that stop the draining system from working efficiently. Bathroom sinks are usually clogged by hair and soap residue. You can start declogging your pipes by pouring baking soda and vinegar since they are easily found in your pantry, and if that doesn’t work well, try using a plunger or a pipe snake to clear debris from the pipes.Kitchen sinks are usually a bit harder to deal with since the grease masses blocking the pipes are more resilient than soap and hair. The professional seasoned plumbers at state that enzymes in Drano Max are produced by certain types of bacteria that can decompose almost any debris in your kitchen or bathroom sink. Other homeowners use enzymes as a preventative measure to prevent the formation of clogs.

Leaking Pipes

If you do not have routine plumbing maintenance done by a professional every once in a while, you may find yourself having to deal with leaky pipes on an occasional basis. Unfortunately, repairing leaky pipes without any plumbing experience can get quite messy. Mineral build-up and debris can cause damage to old pipes. We recommend hiring a plumber because fixing them yourself can be quite costly if you mess up.

Low Water Pressure

The first step to identifying the cause of low water pressure is checking different faucets in different areas of your house. If you find that the low water pressure is only a problem in a single faucet or shower, you can easily clean the faucet or showerhead to get rid of the gunk obstructing the water flow. If it’s the whole house that’s suffering from low water pressure, make sure the main valves are turned all the way open before calling your plumber.

Dripping Tap

Dripping Faucets

The sound of water droplets isn’t only irritating, but also quite wasteful of water, shooting up your water bill. The most common cause of drips is an internal washer that has been worn from being used for a long time. You’ll need to disassemble the faucet and clean the washer thoroughly if it’s covered by a mineral buildup, or completely replace it if it’s irreparable.

Keeping a close eye on the health of your piping systems is going to save you a lot of messy repairs and costly plumbing schedules. Make sure to do a little maintenance every now and then to check up on the state of your house’s plumbing. As long as you don’t let piping problems escalate, you should be out of danger’s way.